Grandparents Day at Olympia North will be held on Friday, September 21st from 8:00-10:15 am.
Everyone at Olympia North is enjoying the new & improved library aka Learning Center. There are still plenty of books with the update, but now the students are empowered to gather information from multiple sources of media!!
Teachers spent time after school today participating in their first TEAM Camp session. They visited each others classrooms sharing instructional and behavioral strategies they are utilizing in their classrooms!
Olympia North Elementary 2018-2019 theme is "BE THE ONE." Be the one who makes a difference for yourself and others!
SAVE THE DATE! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Oly North September 17-21!
Pre-K rocked their first day!
Oly North Student Council highlighted the Spartan Skills in the Danvers Days parade.
Kindergarten at North rocked their first day! After reading the Gingerbread Man, they made gingerbread. He escaped the oven and sent them on a tour through the school. We found him running in the halls so he went to Mr. Hurley’s office.
We are excited to see all of our students tomorrow!
Class lists will be available today at 3:30 pm. You can view your student(s) teacher by checking Skyward Family Access (click on the Grades Tab). Additionally, a hard copy list will be posted on the Olympia North front doors.
First day of school is Thursday, August 16th.
Open House will be Wednesday, August 15 from 5:00-6:00 pm.
Kindergarten Orientation will be on Monday, August 13 from 5:30-6:30 pm.
Class rosters will be available Friday, August 10th at 3:30 pm.
New Student Walk-In Registration will be Mon. August 6 8:00-12:00 pm and Tue. August 7 1:00 -6:00 pm
Tomorrow is the last day for online registration. If you still need to register your student(s) please do so by Tuesday, July 31. Thanks to all if you that have completed this process.
Online registration closes next Tuesday, July 31! Please register your student soon if you have not done so. Thanks so much!
New Landscaping at Olympia North! A big thank you to Olympia Grounds staff, local churches, and all of the volunteers who helped!
Looking forward to a great upcoming school year at Olympia North! Please register your student online today via Skyward/Family Access.
Several teachers from Olympia North took a road trip to Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, IL to meet and be inspired by Gerry Brooks.