Check out the NEW Payment option, eWallet, for the book fair:
Five Tips to Help Kids Balance Their Media Lives
(1) Create screen-free times and zones.
(2) Try parental controls.
(3) Establish clear family rules.
(4) Watch and play together.
(5) Help kids identify healthy behaviors.
Read more @
T minus 5 days until the Book Fair!
Tomorrow is our first early release day of the year. Students will be fed lunch and then dismissed at 12:00 pm.
Picture Day is this Thursday September 12th! Please have your child bring their picture form with them on this day.
How Much Screen Time?
“...the reality is that there really is no magic number that's "just right." What's more important is the quality of kids' media, how it fits into your family's lifestyle, and how you engage your kids with it.”
Read more @
Just 1 week until the Scholastic Book Fair arrives!
Are you looking for a conversation starter with your family around media balance & well-being? This Family Media Agreement is a great way to chat about family media habits. Check it out today!
Picture Day will be on Thursday, September 12th. Please have your child return the picture order form with them on this day.
September OlyDigCit Focus: Media Balance & Well Being. "We live in a world overflowing with digital media and technology. All of us -- adults and kids -- have constant access to real-time information from around the globe. But do the benefits of being ever-connected also come with risks to our mental health? It's an important question to ask -- especially for our kids." Read more about Media Balance & Well-Being!
Olympia North students are making their mark on the new school year!
The social media connection between our website and Facebook is currently experiencing a disruption. While this is being resolved, you can find all of your Olympia related information on your building website Live Feeds and Twitter accounts. Spread the word and connect today!
Olympia has a literacy coach through the Regional Office of Education. Raquel Eshleman helped Kindergarten at Olympia North with reading stations. Students did a great job rotating through listen to reading on iPads, read to someone with big books, putting the alphabet in order at word work and creating a book about the color red. We look forward to her time helping our classrooms.
As a part of our PBIS initiative this year we created a Spartan Pledge which all students say together during morning announcements. I am so proud of our students for embracing the pledge, and living by it each day at school!
5th grade students persevered to solve Kenken puzzles today in math, as they continue to learn how mathematicians work. This was followed up with a great discussion about how the skills used to solve these puzzles connect to the 8 Mathematical Practices. Way to go, Spartans!
SAVE THE DATE! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Oly North September 16 - September 20
Thank you to ONE’s PTO for buying this glider and cushions. We love the flexible seating that provides sensory input!
First day of school at ONE! Our staff is ready for students!
We are excited to see all of our students tomorrow morning! Welcome Back Spartans!
Teacher assignments will be available today after 4 pm on Skyward (Family Access). See instructions below:
1. Log into Skyward Family Access
2. Select “STUDENT INFO”
3. Your child’s information will come up and towards the top right it will say “Homeroom Teacher”
4. This is your child’s assigned teacher for the upcoming school year.
5. If you have more than one child at ONE there is a drop down arrow towards the top which should allow you to select each of your children individually.
Matt Hurley, Principal