P for Picnic! Kindergartners enjoyed lunch outside while counting down with the alphabet!
Second graders working hard to show their understanding of arrays and multiplication!
Mrs. Ballard's Kindergarten Class chose to research trees...we went to the library to get some information!
Kindergarten hosts a wedding for Q and U.
Olympia North Students participate in the final Spartan Skills Showcase of the year; Spartan Skills Jeopardy!
After looking at real life examples and learning about how the design could be used as a type of sustainable housing, fifth graders engineered Geodesic Domes as part of a STEM challenge in math class today!
3rd graders are ready for their Peoria Zoo adventure!
Fifth grade students practicing their recorders for the end of the year assembly!
2nd graders went on an “array hunt” to find real life examples of repeated addition and multiplication!
5th grade students work on classifying 2D shapes based on their attributes during an exciting game of Geometry Headbanz!!
Kindergarten enjoyed showing their learning this year while rotating through stations and eating muffins with mom.
1st graders playing Kahoot!
It’s SHOWTIME! Third Graders perform “Save the Sea” for their families and the Oly North student body.
Congrats Mrs. Miller & Mrs. Steffen for receiving the $1,000 One Classroom at a Time Award from WHOI and CEFCU!!
Pizza pizza! Second graders are studying fractions at the Spartaneria this week!
LIBRARY NEWS: This is the last week to check out books. All books are due back to the library no later than May 16.
5th graders collaborating with high school students during our STEM celebration!
REMINDER: Middle School Orientation for incoming 6th graders is TONIGHT, April 30, from 5:30 to 6:30.
Kindergarten visited the Garden for Gum for the end of the year alphabet countdown for letter G!
“Chick” it out! Third grade eggs are hatching! Thank you U of I Extension Office for providing this opportunity for us!