Kindergarten visited the Garden for Gum for the end of the year alphabet countdown for letter G!
almost 7 years ago, Jessica Ballard
“Chick” it out! Third grade eggs are hatching! Thank you U of I Extension Office for providing this opportunity for us!
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Boots
Oly North Fifth Graders arrive at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Boots
A fun way for 2nd graders to work on describing shapes!
almost 7 years ago, BEN LEE
Fifth and First Grade students collaborate in the STEM Lab.
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Boots
Mr. Lee and Mr. Hurley go head-to-head during the Spring Fling Live Auction!
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Boots
Race Day! 2nd graders designed boats and today they put them to the test!
almost 7 years ago, BEN LEE
Fifth Grade Parents: Please be advised Middle School Oriention is Monday, April 30 from 5:30 to 6:30.
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Boots
Oly North 5th graders earned the opportunity to stay after school and watch “The Greatest Showman.”
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Boots
Solar panel work progresses. 684 panels will be installed on the rooftop at North.
almost 7 years ago, BEN LEE
Ms. Donna and Ms. Pam ready to serve another great lunch at Oly North!
almost 7 years ago, BEN LEE
Kindergarten loves the Scholastic Book Fair! The book fair will be open all week through the evening of Spring Fling!
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Boots
Its #motivationalmonday in Mrs. Steffen’s 5th grade
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Boots
Fourth graders take a break from testing to design and build cars during their Energy unit in Science.
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Boots
The Oly North online book fair is now open until 4/24.
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Boots
Scholastic Book Fair
Congrats Mateo Martinez and Ciarra Abel for being recognized at IPA Banquet at ISU!
almost 7 years ago, BEN LEE
Third grade began rehearsing for their play, which they will perform the afternoon of May 3.
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Boots
Grab a First Grader & Do-Si-Do!
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Boots
Fifth Grade students warm up their brains in the STEM lab for PARCC testing.
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Boots
Detailed info will be sent home soon... May 3-3rd grade musical May 15-Science Fair May 17-Awards Day May 21-Field Day
almost 7 years ago, BEN LEE