Kindergarten visited the Garden for Gum for the end of the year alphabet countdown for letter G!

“Chick” it out! Third grade eggs are hatching! Thank you U of I Extension Office for providing this opportunity for us!

Oly North Fifth Graders arrive at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago

A fun way for 2nd graders to work on describing shapes!

Fifth and First Grade students collaborate in the STEM Lab.

Mr. Lee and Mr. Hurley go head-to-head during the Spring Fling Live Auction!

Race Day! 2nd graders designed boats and today they put them to the test!

Fifth Grade Parents: Please be advised Middle School Oriention is Monday, April 30 from 5:30 to 6:30.

Oly North 5th graders earned the opportunity to stay after school and watch “The Greatest Showman.”

Solar panel work progresses. 684 panels will be installed on the rooftop at North.

Ms. Donna and Ms. Pam ready to serve another great lunch at Oly North!

Kindergarten loves the Scholastic Book Fair! The book fair will be open all week through the evening of Spring Fling!

Its #motivationalmonday in Mrs. Steffen’s 5th grade

Fourth graders take a break from testing to design and build cars during their Energy unit in Science.

The Oly North online book fair is now open until 4/24.

Congrats Mateo Martinez and Ciarra Abel for being recognized at IPA Banquet at ISU!

Third grade began rehearsing for their play, which they will perform the afternoon of May 3.

Grab a First Grader & Do-Si-Do!

Fifth Grade students warm up their brains in the STEM lab for PARCC testing.

Detailed info will be sent home soon...
May 3-3rd grade musical
May 15-Science Fair
May 17-Awards Day
May 21-Field Day