Help keep media/tech use in check by following a few simple practices:
1. Create screen-free times and zones
2. Try parental controls
3. Establish clear family rules
4. Watch and play together
5. Help kids identify healthy behaviors
Read more:
Mark your calendars!
On Thursday, October 15th LifeTouch will be at O.N.E. for picture retakes. In person students will have a scheduled time during the school day and Calvert students can come anytime between 1:45 pm and 2:30 pm.
O.N.E. Kindergarten invited families to share pictures or videos of their jobs to enhance students’ learning about community helpers.
Olympia North Kindergarten took a walking field trip to the Danvers Fire Station and park. We met with SRO Hodges on how police officers help our community. We met with firefighter Whitacre about fire safety and how they help our community. Students got to view both the fire engine and police car while practicing social distancing and wearing masks. This was a great culminating event to our community helpers unit. Students wrote thank you letters and will use Seesaw and Chatterpix to publish what they want to be when they grow up.
No School on Monday, October 12 in observance of Columbus Day.
Screen time; the reality is that there really is no magic number that's "just right." What's more important is the quality of kids' media, how it fits into your family's lifestyle, and how you engage your kids with it. Read more:
It's easy to get distracted from homework (and life) when the phone never stops pinging and the next episode plays automatically. Let's some common sense guidelines by signing this Family Media Agreement within your family:
Do the benefits of being ever-connected also come with risks to our mental health? It's an important question to ask - especially for our kids. In Oct. we will be exploring Media Balance & Well Being. Read more:
Outside phone lines to ONE are back up and running. Thank you for your understanding!
Outside phone lines are down again at ONE. Please call 1-309-379-5911 ext. 3020 if you need to reach the building.
Every year digital citizenship is more and more important in all of our lives. During 6 months this year we will focus on 6 areas of digital citizenship, providing resources and support for our Oly families. More details here:
No school on Monday, September 28th due to Teacher's Institute!
Phones at ONE are back up and running. Thank you for your patience!
Outside phone lines are down again at ONE. Please call 1-309-379-5911 ext. 3020 if you need to reach the building.
Phone lines are back up and functional at North. Thank you for your patience.
No School on Monday, September 7th in observance of Labor Day!
The Weekend Snackpac program will begin at Olympia North on September 10th. This program provides students with a sack lunch and snacks every weekend. If you are interested in having your child participate in this voluntary program please return the form to the office by September 5th.
We can’t bring items from home, but that’s not stopping us from having show & tell! Families sent pictures for kids to share.
Tomorrow is our first Early Release Day of the year. School begins at 8:00 am and will end at 12:00 pm. Dismissal processes will take place just like a normal school day. Students will be fed lunch before dismissal.