Once kids go online, their chances of finding cyberbullies, haters, and trolls is, sadly, quite high. Find age-specific guidelines, videos, and articles to help with tough conversations -- whether your kid is a bully or is being bullied. Explore answers to all your cyberbullying questions, age-appropriate advice, school resources, and more from parents and experts. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/cyberbullying
over 2 years ago, EdTech@Oly
Cyberbullying Articles
Most kids will encounter mean behavior at some point in their digital lives. For some kids, this experience is a blip that's easily forgotten, while for others it can have deep, long-lasting effects. For parents, the key is staying involved in kids' lives -- both online and off -- so they can step in and offer help if necessary. With guidance from parents and educators, kids can learn how to dodge the drama and stand up for others.​ Throughout October we will be sharing 6 different tips for families to encourage best behavior when approaching the topics of Cyberbullying, Digital Drama, and Hate Speech with your families. 1) Define your terms 2) Check in about online life 3) Role-play 4) Encourage upstanding 5) Take breaks 6) Review worst-case steps
over 2 years ago, EdTech@Oly
Family Tips
Digital citizenship continues to grow in importance each year. Starting in Oct. we begin our monthly focus of six areas of digital citizenship, providing resources and support for our Oly families. More details on this annual outreach can be found here: bit.ly/OlyDigCitOverview
over 2 years ago, EdTech@Oly
Save the date for Olympia’s National Honor Society Halloween Fest!
over 2 years ago, Alyssa Jones
NHS Halloween Fest
OMS Cheer Try Outs will be 10/11-10/14! Students can sign up outside of the art room!
over 2 years ago, Laura Johnson
cheer tryout information
OMHS Families, new this year, subscriptions for the food boxes are still being accepted. Contact michelle.maris@olympia.org or 708-689-3175 to see if your family qualifies.
over 2 years ago, Michelle Maris
food box
OMHS Families and students- Friday Market returns October14th! We will have limited school supplies, personal care products, and snacks. Spartan Food Box subscription will also be available for pick up. Contact michelle.maris@olympia.org with questions.
over 2 years ago, Michelle Maris
Friday Market
OMHS Families, new this year, subscriptions for the food boxes are still being excepted. Contact Michelle.maris@olympia.org or 708-689-3175 to see if your family qualifies.
over 2 years ago, Michelle Maris
food box subscription
Late Night Reminder! Tomorrow is an institute day and therefore students will not be in attendance. Our staff, meanwhile, will be hard at work making Spartan Nation the best possible environment for learning!
over 2 years ago, Sean Mullins
No School
Due to inclement weather OMS Cross Country is going to cancel practice. We will see everyone tomorrow at 7:45 (or 7:30 for volunteers) for our home meet!
over 2 years ago, CJ Hamilton
Congratulations to Ethan Barnes for advancing to the IESA State Golf Tournament last week. He shot a 92, placing 49th overall. Great Job!!!!
over 2 years ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
The OMS Softball team is off to state. Thank you to Stanford Fire and Police, Danvers Fire and Police, McLean Police, McLean County Police, Minier Police and EMS, and Mt Hope Funks Grove EMS for the escort. Lady Spartans take on Frankfort Hickory Creek today at 10:30 am
over 2 years ago, Olympia Middle School
oms 3
oms 2
oms 4
oms softball
Homecoming 2022. Get signed up to be in the homecoming parade on Oct. 19th. Teams, organization, clubs, classic cars, businesses etc.
over 2 years ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
The results are in. After all the votes have been counted. The name for our Spartan Mascot is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spartacus or Sparty for short.
over 2 years ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
Sixth and Seventh Grade STEM students at OMS are finishing up their engineering design unit where they had to solve fairy tale problems to develop real-world skills. Each day in STEM class, students are given the opportunity to develop communication and problem solving skills through Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
over 2 years ago, Alyssa Jones
Here is the link to get spirit wear for our girls heading to IESA state softball this weekend. https://spartansoftballstatefinals2022.itemorder.com/
over 2 years ago, Rodney Dale
Congratulations to the OMS girls softball team, who are sectional champions with a 9-1 win over Ottawa Shepherd this afternoon. The girls advance to the 3A state finals and will play Frankfort Hickory Creek in the 10:30 a.m. game at Champion Fields in Normal.
over 2 years ago, Darrel Dubree
Sectional Champions!
This is the last weekend to complete our family survery. You still have time! bit.ly/3eWj02G Thank you for your input!
over 2 years ago, Michelle Maris
Vote today for our famous Olympia FFA Pork Chop in the IHSA Pork & Pigskins Championship! https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=U0ElQVSi9kaO23xMpN_wKXR_JFoTLiFCrf2JaJyrCjVURDVPSEJMUEVQTjJGOVk0SFdVNlJaTDdNWi4u
over 2 years ago, Activities Dept.