Each year we have an expert teacher panel comprised of Olympia teachers from all five buildings in our district come to our New Teacher Academy to answer questions around teaching and learning. These conversations and partnerships are instrumental in supporting our new teachers here in Spartan Nation. Thank you to all who attended tonight!
Resources: bit.ly/OlyCBR2
There are A LOT of "social media" sites out there. You know about Twitter & Facebook, but what about Reddit, TikTok, Snapchat, or Discord? Educate yourself with these "Parent's Ultimate Guides" from Common Sense media!
Video: bit.ly/OlyCBV4
For kids, miscommunication is a common occurrence online and on social media. Plus, being behind a screen makes it easier to say things they wouldn't say in person. So how do we help kids avoid the pitfalls of digital drama? Hear it from the source!
Olympia Middle School and High School are excited to announce that we are hosting an assembly to celebrate Veterans Day on Friday, November 11, 2022. We are inviting all local veterans (Both who have served or are currently serving) to attend a breakfast and the assembly as a way to show our appreciation for their service and sacrifice for our country. Breakfast will begin at 8:15 am in the OHS cafeteria, and the Veterans Day Assembly will begin at 9:00 am in the OHS gym. Parking will be available in front of Olympia High School. If you are planning on attending, please RSVP by November 1st by clicking on the following link:
OHMS Veterans Day Breakfast Sign Up Link
The Spartans will play Benton in the IHSA Class 3A Playoffs. Date and time of the game will be announced as soon as details are finalized. Don't forget to order your playoff t-shirts.
#DigCit Family Tip 5: Take breaks
Please consider supporting Olympia Middle School Boys basketball by purchasing some spirit wear!
Video: bit.ly/OlyCBV5
Digital harassment happens when teens use texts, instant messages, emails, and social media posts to keep tabs on or threaten someone else. It usually involves two people in a close relationship. Here are four ways to help teens avoid digital harassment.
Families, the results are in from the fall family surveys. The top topics: #1 - Dealing with Bullies. #2 - Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression and #3 Behavior Management: Role of Emotions. Be sure to check out the parent-engagement resources on the Olympia website:
We currently have a recorded session of Let's Talk: Kids Anxiety, ADHD, & Depression. More supports coming soon!
OHMS Administration is getting in the Homecoming spirit with Dynamic Duo (x2) Day today!
#DigCit Family Tip 4: Encourage upstanding
No OMS Cheer practice tonight!
Thursday only from 3:30-5:30 in the OMS Cafeteria!
Video: bit.ly/OlyCBV6
Cyberbullying is something most families hope they never have to deal with. But if your kids are texting, sharing photos, and posting comments, it’s important to talk to them about how to deal with online harassment. Learn 5 ways to stop cyberbullies.
#DigCit Family Tip 3: Role-play
OMS Boys Basketball tryouts will be held October 18th & 19th. Athletes interested must be registered on 8 to 18 and have a physical on file.
#DigCit Family Tip 2: Check in about online life
OMHS families don't forget to check and see if you qualify for a food box subscription. This Friday will be the first delivery. MIchelle.maris@olympia.org for more information.
There is still time to sign up for Olympia's homecoming parade. Get signed up today. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFKSq179hI/5rk8u2ZqjabCvLfoGSRFZw/edit?utm_content=DAFKSq179hI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
#DigCit Family Tip 1 | Define your terms
Friday Night Football vs. Pleasant Plains. The proceeds from our admissions gate on Friday Night for our varsity game with Pleasant Plains will be donated to the medical fund for Pleasant Plains football player Jayden Veesenmeyer. Donations will also be taken. Thank you.