Activities Update for today. - No practice or games today for Baseball, Soccer or Middle school Track. Softball will play at Eureka Middle School Field at 4:30pm. HS Boys Track will be at Monticello and HS Girls Track will be at Tolono.

Material Pick Up Times:
Seniors & Juniors (noon - 1:30)
Sophomores & Freshman (1:30 - 3)
Overflow / Open (3 - 4)
Saturday - 10- 12 p.m.
8th grade - (1 - 1:45)
7th grade - (1:45- 2:30)
6th grade - (2:30 - 3:15)
Overflow 3:15 - 4 p.m.
Saturday - 10 - 12 p.m.

Fire Updates: OHS and OMS students will not have school tomorrow, April 14th. There will *not* be a remote learning day. Elementary school will be in attendance for a normal school day. Thank you for all of the support and concern that was expressed today. 💙

Updates: All OHMS students have now either left campus to drive home or have evacuated to Minier Christian Church. Parents, you must pick up your children from the designated evacuation location at Minier Christian Church. Lines for pick up are long, so please be patient as all of the necessary evacuation procedures are followed. At Minier Christian Church you will be greeted by an adult and must present an ID to pick up your child(ren). No individuals will be allowed on the OHMS campus for the rest of the day. Fire officials will be on site all evening completing their necessary work.
More information will be shared soon regarding the status of the building and plans for school operations tomorrow.

All after school events at Olympia CUSD 16 have been cancelled for this evening due the the fire at the OHMS campus.

There is an active fire at the middle school / high school campus. All students and staff are safe.
Do not come to the OHMS campus as this will interfere with the evacuation process.
High school students who can drive will be sent home. All other high school and middle school students are being evacuated to our designated evacuation zone at Minier Christian Church. Pickup will occur there. More information regarding the timeline for pickup will be shared soon.
Due to buses needed for the evacuation, elementary buses will run their afternoon routes but they will not be on time. Parents can pick up their elementary students from school, but first need to call their child's school office.
We will continue to share details as soon as we can.

Olympia CUSD 16: There is an active fire at the middle school/high school campus. All students and staff are evacuated and safe. Please do not come to OHMS to pick up your student at this time. High school students that drove will be released to go home and all other students will be evacuated to the Minier Christian Church. Students can be picked up at the church. Due to altered bus routes, elementary buses will not run their afternoon routes on time. Parents can pick up their elementary students from school but should call the school first.

Thank you to all our Spartan Paraprofessionals that work tirelessly for our students. We could not survive without you!

Olympia Middle School celebrated Grandparents' and Grandfriends' Day today for the first time since 2019. We were fortunate to host more than 250 grandparents and grandfriends this morning for a variety of activities. Grandparents & grandfriends ate breakfast with their student, took a personalized photo, played a round of trivia, and attended class with their student. The OMS teachers did a fantastic job of including our guests in a variety of activities, including playing dodgeball in PE. The Panatagraph came out and took pictures, and you can look in Thursday's edition of the Pantagraph for photos from today. Thank you to all who attended. We look forward to hosting you again next year.

Do you have a current or future cheerleader in your home? Check out this unique opportunity for this summer! Let them improve their skills for the upcoming season!
For questions and more information please contact OHS Cheer Coach Lang. Go Spartans!

These staff member baby pictures are too cute not to share. Happy three months to this future Spartan!

Spartan Staff spent the morning in various professional development sessions on topics including trauma responsive instruction, restorative practices, special education strategies for students, elementary science instruction, and regulation strategies for students. Thank you to all our presenters!

The 2023 Spartan Retirees were recognized this morning. Congrats to Dr. Jodlowski, Mrs. Deal, Mrs. McDannald, and Mr. Stine. Thank you all for your dedication to our students and families over the years. You will be missed!

March 13th is a Teacher Institute Day for Olympia. There is NO SCHOOL for students!

OMS track starts on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 from 3:30-5:30 p. Participants need to be registered on 8 to 18 and have a current physical.

Seventh grade students researched and developed bills they would like to become federal laws through a Mock Congress Simulation. Students wrote their bills, tried to persuade the class to vote, and now they are introducing and debating their bills on the House of Representatives floor. If their bills pass, they will be presented to the President (Mr. Jones) and signed into law.

Due to hazardous weather conditions, all Olympia after school activities have been cancelled and there will be no shuttle. Please be safe!

Over 40 OMS students/parents participated in the first annual OMS College and Career Night. Various high school class options, future career opportunities, and financial aid topics were covered. It was a great night to discuss our students’ future plans. Thank you to all you attended. Mr. Jones will share the slides and handouts with families in this week’s OMS Spartan News You Can Use.

Reminder! Tonight at 6:00 pm. OMS College & Career Night from 6:00-7:00 in G-7. OHS Counselor, Katie Turner, will share high school course options that students can take to prepare them for the future. We will discuss deadlines, scholarship opportunities, and more.