1.19.23 | 3:01
Phone lines into OHS, OMS, and the Unit Office are back up and working.
Phones at OHS, OMS, and the Unit Office are currently not receiving outside calls. If you need to contact someone at these locations, please call one of our elementary schools and they can transfer you to the correct building.
01.17.2023 | 12:11 PM
Phones are back up and operational at OHS, OMS, and the Unit Office. Thank you for your patience!
Today, January 9th, is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. We wanted to take a moment to recognize and honor Olympia's School Resource Officer (SRO), Deputy Ben Zehr. Deputy Zehr joined us earlier this school year, and he has done a fantastic job connecting with students, staff, and families. He is an active presence during the school day, and at extracurricular activities. Thank you, Deputy Zehr!
Quick reminder! OMS Artists taking art this semester need a sketchbook & a set of Crayola watercolors for class next week! Please let Mrs J know if you have any questions!
Families, join us for some winter fun! Free event for ALL Oly students, families and staff. Mark your calendar!
Video Link: bit.ly/olyRCv2
"It's complicated" can describe many of our relationships with others, both romantic and otherwise. Add digital devices and social media to the mix, and things get complicated even further. Help students take the first step toward building healthy and rewarding friendships and romantic relationships, both online and off.
Students listen to other teens' thoughts and feelings about having and maintaining boundaries in friendships online, in a world of being constantly connected.
:: Develop their instincts ::
Help kids learn to trust their guts so they can suss out creepy, risky, or otherwise unsafe online situations. Playact a few scenarios: What if someone asks to take a conversation private? What if someone asks for your phone number? What if someone invites you to a private chat room? Be aware that some kids (even "good" kids) will explore iffy stuff online out of curiosity. But the minute they feel uncomfortable, they need to shut things down.
OMS students received a surprise PBIS party today for their awesome work this semester! The Grinch came to ruin the celebration but low and behold, his heart grew three sizes and he ended up becoming respectful, safe, and responsible along with the rest of the OMS family! Happy Holidays, Spartans!
Video Link: bit.ly/olyRCv5
It's natural for teens to be curious about their emerging sexuality. But most children aren't prepared for the risks of exploring this in the digital age. Help your kids think critically about self-disclosure in relationships and practice how they'd respond to a situation where sexting -- or a request for sexting -- might happen.
In this video, kids can hear other teens' honest -- and sometimes frank -- thoughts about the pressures and risks that come with sexting, then consider how they might react in similar situations.
:: Empathize with the pressure to overshare ::
Tweens and teens might feel pushed into sharing a sexy photo for different reasons: a dare, fear of damaging a relationship, or just because "everyone else is doing it." But this one is nonnegotiable. Tell them that you understand how bad it can feel to disappoint a friend. Then help them imagine how much worse it would feel if a private picture were shared with their whole school.
Video Link: bit.ly/olyRCv6
For most middle schoolers, being on social media can mean connecting with friends, sharing pictures, and keeping up-to-date. But it can also mean big-time distractions, social pressures, and more. Help your kids navigate the different feelings they may already be experiencing on social media.
In this video, kids hear what other teens have to say about using social media to connect with friends, consider the complications and distractions that can happen, and think critically about how social media affects their own relationships.
:: Learn about their worlds ::
Tweens and teens have unique communication styles -- especially online. As much as possible, keep an eye on what they're saying and doing online to understand the norm in their worlds. Don't police everything they say, but keep an ear out for aggressive trash-talking, hate speech, rude images, or anything hurtful. If you see stuff that crosses the line, speak up. Kids need to understand that their words have consequences.
Phone outages from yesterday (12.12.22) have been resolved. Thank you for your patience!
We still have a few OMS students needing sponsored. https://www.olympia.org/o/district/page/nhs-angel-tree
Video: bit.ly/olyRCv3
Games, social media, and other online spaces give kids opportunities to meet and chat with others outside the confines of their real-life communities. But how well do kids actually know the people they're meeting and interacting with? Help students consider whom they're talking to and the types of information they're sharing online.
When we talk about our personal beliefs and politics, passions can run high -- especially when we're online. These intense moments can often lead to tit-for-tat insults, or worse. But, if addressed calmly and coolly, they can be an opportunity to find common ground and deeper understanding. Teach your children to keep disagreements civil so their ideas will be heard and so they can advocate for positive change.
In this video, you will hear from Cameron Kasky, Parkland school shooting survivor and March for Our Lives activist, on what he learned about civil discourse online and how to foster common ground with others, even in disagreement.
Video Link: bit.ly/olyRCv7
Video Discussion Activity: bit.ly/olyRCda2
Today, our 8th graders had a Course Selection Preparation Day. They attended six stations on various classes/ activities to get information to help make their upcoming high school transition go smoothly. The stations were: BACC Information, Dual Credit/ AP Classes, Clubs and Organizations, Internship Information, The Role of the OHS Counseling Office, and the Military. They were able to listen to current OHS students who are actively participating in these classes and activities. It was a great day of collaboration between the two buildings!
We are still looking for volunteers to purchase gifts for some of our OHMS students. If you are interested, please click on the link below.
Wednesday, December 7th is an Early Release Day for Olympia students. OHMS will dismiss at 11:30 a.m. and elementary schools will dismiss at 12:00 p.m.