Automated Fee Emails

Beginning today, automated emails will be sent from Skyward when certain fees are added to student accounts (see below).  These emails will only be sent to the primary guardian of the student.  If you would like additional information about the fee, please contact the office of the school that your child attends.

Fees Which Trigger Automated Emails

  • Library Book Replacement
  • iPad Screen
  • Full iPad Replacement
  • ID Replacement
  • Full Chromebook Replacement
  • Chromebook Screen
  • Chromebook Keyboard
  • Chromebook Charger

You can find details regarding the technology fees on our Family & Students Technology website under "Device Information".

Sample Email


A ID REPLACEMENT fee was added to the account of John Jones: 400


On 12/06/2021 at 10:30 AM a fee of "ID REPLACEMENT" in the amount of 5.00 was added to the Payor Account of John Jones.

Please contact the office of you child's school for additional details.  You can also view/pay fees from Skyward Family Access.