If you want to know if someone is trying to trick you with a headline, think through a few of these five questions each time you read a shocking story. Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes Spartans!

Video: bit.ly/OlyNMV1
Family Activity: Decoding Images. bit.ly/OlyNMFR1
Kids find and read news in lots of different ways. But studies show they're not very good at interpreting what they see. How can we help them get better? Teaching your children about the structure of online news articles is an important place to start.

Boys Home Game

Today, the Olympia Transition Program went to Ms. Patton's class at Oly West for our January book buddies. We read a poem about kindness & looked at different pictures to decide if it showed friendship. Then, they read a book about being a friend & created their own snowman with ways they can be a friend.

Today's Activities

The 7th Grade Boys Basketball team's season ended last night with a 49-20 loss to Eureka. Cade Yoder (13 points) led the team in scoring. The boys ended the season with a 24-3 overall record and a 22-2 regular season record.
According to our books that is the most wins by an OMS team ever in the regular season and possibly the most wins overall for a team. Even though the season didn't end how they wanted it to, the boys should keep their heads high on having such a great season! Go Spartans!

Today's Activities

The 7th Grade Boys Basketball team moves on to the Regional Championship after a 59-39 victory over Heyworth! Cade Yoder (24 points!) and Hudson Steinkamp (12 points) led the team in scoring.
The boys play tomorrow (1/28) at 6 at Eureka MS against Eureka. Come on out and cheer on the team as they fight to move on to Sectionals!
Overall Record: 24-2

The OHS Cross Country State Qualifiers were recognized at the January Board of Education meeting. Congratulations to Emma Swartzendruber on a great year. Amelia Kistner was also a State Qualifier but could not attend the Board meeting. Congratulations to both girls and Coach Randi Krehbiel!

The OMS Speech Team was recognized for a successful season at the January Board of Education meeting. Congratulations to the team and to Coach Holt.

The JV girls basketball game scheduled at Riverton tonight has been cancelled due to a lack of available players for Riverton. The varsity game will start at 6:00pm

Today's Activities

High school girls track will meet today after school, come give it a try! Note that we will not meet Thursday this week.

The 7th Grade Boys Basketball tram competed in the first round of their Regional Bracket today at Eureka. The boys beat Pontiac 61-16 with Will Langley (20 points) and Sawyer Anderson (12 points) leading the team in scoring, along with everyone on the team making a basket!
The boys play again Monday 1/27 at 6:45 at Eureka MS.
Overall Record: 23-2

Today's Activities

The JV and Girls wrestling tournaments scheduled for Saturday January 25th at Olympia have been cancelled.

This afternoon, all OMS sixth-grade students had the privilege of attending a virtual meeting with renowned author Jerry Craft, creator of the acclaimed graphic novel New Kid. Mr. Craft shared insights into the inspiration behind his work, emphasizing the crucial role of revision and redrafting in the creative process. He generously shared early drafts of New Kid, highlighting how initial concepts evolve into polished final products. Mr. Craft encouraged students to identify and cultivate their talents, embracing mistakes as opportunities for growth. He underscored the importance of perseverance, reminding students that dedication and consistent effort are essential for achieving one's goals. Mr. Craft concluded the session by showcasing his 2020 Newbery Medal, a testament to his exceptional storytelling. This enriching experience was organized by Mrs. Melissa Swanson, OMS 6th grade ELA teacher, whose commitment to providing unique learning opportunities is deeply appreciated.

Today's Activities

The NHS sponsored Princess Tea Party will take place on Sunday, February 2 from 1-3 pm at the Olympia High School cafeteria. The event features games, crafts, bouncy house, face painting and a ROYAL RUNWAY! Come dressed in your finest royal outfits and meet the princesses! Cost is $5 at the door. Reservations recommended. Email amanda.hapgood@olympia.org.
Please enter through the high school athletic doors, which are nearest to the gym.
Please pay with cash. Thank you!

The OMS Boys Basketball celebrated 8th grade night tonight with games against Williamsville. The 7th grade team lost a close one 38 - 43 with Will Langley and Tate Lindsey both scoring 13 points. The 8th grade team won 30 - 22 with Ty Gale (12 points) and Mason Kruger (7 points).
Thank you to everyone that came out to celebrate our 8th graders and that helped setup a great 8th grade night!
The boys play their final regular season game against Tremont this Thursday at Tremont.
7th Grade: 21-2
8th Grade: 16-7