The NHS sponsored Princess Tea Party will take place on Sunday, February 2 from 1-3 pm at the Olympia High School cafeteria. The event features games, crafts, bouncy house, face painting and a ROYAL RUNWAY! Come dressed in your finest royal outfits and meet the princesses! Cost is $5 at the door. Reservations recommended. Email
Third grade eased themselves back into school mode today with a math "Countdown Challenge." 🎉
Video Link:
"It's complicated" can describe many of our relationships with others, both romantic and otherwise. Add digital devices and social media to the mix, and things get complicated even further.
The staff at Olympia South have been spreading Christmas cheer all week. All staff filled out kindness ornaments for other staff members and placed them on their trees. We also had a surprise White Elephant gift exchange today after school and have been having Masked Singers and competing in Christmas trivia.
Olympia South Staff having some Christmas fun. Watch the attached video to see how well Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Steve know the staff's voices.
:: Develop their instincts ::
Help kids trust their guts so they can exit iffy or inappropriate online conversations. Discuss different scenarios and ask how they would feel and what they would do.
:: Help kids navigate online friendships ::
In the beginning, you might limit all communication with strangers online. As kids get older, you can monitor any online chatting. Once they're more independent, you can discuss which methods of communication are appropriate.
Video Link:
For most kids, being on social media can mean connecting with friends, sharing pictures, and keeping up-to-date. But it can also mean big-time distractions, social pressures, and more. Help your kids navigate the different feelings they may already be experiencing on social media.
In this video, kids hear what other teens have to say about using social media to connect with friends, consider the complications and distractions that can happen, and think critically about how social media affects their own relationships.
Olympia South's Girls Who Code Club met on Wednesday for our last meeting of the year. We played a few team building games and worked on spreading kindness with each other, then ended the day with some Christmas coding.
It was an out of the blue day at OSE and we had some fun decorating Christmas Cookies! Some of them did more eating than decorating but all had a great time! We love celebrating our students for Being Kind, Safe and Ready to Learn!
:: Play a game of telephone ::
Discuss how a message can change depending on the person delivering it or the delivery method. Read a question like "What are you doing?" with different tones of voice. How do emoji and punctuation help communicate tone and emotion in texts?
Video Link:
Students hear from teens about the benefits and drawbacks of presenting themselves differently (or even anonymously) to others online, and consider what it means to "be yourself" in digital spaces.
Today, 2nd grade finished making a shelter to save Frosty using their knowledge of the states of mater and the properties of different materials. Tomorrow, we will test out our shelters!
Social interaction is part of what makes online gaming so popular and engaging for kids. Of course, online communication can come with some risks. Show your kids how to keep their gaming experiences fun, healthy, and positive.
SIP Days at South mean STEM Days. The Fourth Graders read the book "Ten On A Sled" then had to create a sled that would hold all ten of the woodland creatures. They were given four popsicle sticks, one pipe cleaner, two straws and about 2 feet of tape. Their sleds were then tested to see if when they went down the snowy hill if the creatures stayed on their sleds.
:: Give them the right words ::
Kids learn about appropriate verbal and physical communication from watching you. But online conversations can be invisible. Occasionally, narrate as you're writing texts or social media comments when your kids are in earshot.
SIP Days at Oly South are STEM Days for some of our students. Both 5th Grade classes, (assisted by the OHS STEM Club students) got to work with Micro:Bits and Block Coding. They learned all of the features that the Micro:Bits have to offer. They coded a beating heart, their names, rolling dice and then got to code all of the steps to play Rock, Paper Scissors. When they all completed the code they participated in a Rick, Paper, Scissors tournament.
Soon after kids start reading and writing, they often begin interacting with others online. Whether they're chatting within games or texting family members, kids need the skills to interact respectfully. These skills will help kids -- and the people they're communicating with -- have positive experiences online. Throughout December, be on the lookout for these 4 Family Tips for elementary families who are looking to build a strong foundation for online relationships and communication!
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Practice talking about feelings -- both physical and emotional -- during screen and non-screen activities.