Grandparent's Day 2018
Grandparents' Day 2018Grandparents' Day 2018Grandparents' Day 2018Grandparents' Day 2018

Grandparents Day 2018

We had another great Grandparents Day at South last Friday. The weather was beautiful and our building was full of special visitors enjoying the morning with our students!

This year our students and their visitors spent some time in their classrooms learning about what we do here at South and also learning about each other. They had the chance to move around the building with their siblings and their grandparents to stations of their choice throughout the morning. They played games like "Roll a Grandma, Roll a Grandpa" and Grandparents Bingo. They drew portraits of each other, took real photos together in our photo booths, shopped at the Book Fair, had "candy" conversations and enjoyed the beautiful weather outside!

Grandparents' Day 2018

We are so fortunate to have so many grandparents travel to spend the day with us each year. This is an event we all look forward to!