Oly North Curbside Summer Library
Olympia North Library will be offering curbside pickup this summer. Pickup will take place from 2 to 4 pm on May 27, June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22.
This is a drive up service; no need to get out of your car. Please have a sign with your student’s name on it, large enough to be read from a distance. Your requested books will be brought to your car and swapped out with the books you are returning. Please place the books being returned in one bag to be swapped out. If you prefer to have more limited contact, please place your return bag in your trunk to be swapped out.
Books may be requested by clicking on the following link: https://forms.gle/EB82AvAAyMF7Rqff8
Requests need to be placed by 2PM the day before pickup.
If you need help with the form or searching for books online - Please watch this video.
If you have any questions please email stacey.boots@olympia.org