Middle School Baseball games are cancelled for today. No practice today.

6th grade students explore what the OMS media center has to offer! #olypride #spartanlearning

OMS kicks off the 2018-19 school year!

Student schedules are now open for viewing in Family Access!

1st day of school is August 16!

August 15--7th & 8th Grade Open House 6:00-7:00 @ OMS.

6th Grade Night--August 14, 6:00-8:00 @ OMS. Students will walk their schedules, meet teachers, get Chromebooks and more!

OMS New Student Registration
August 6, 8:00-12:00 & August 7, 1:00-6:00

OMS Baseball tryouts cancelled tonight (Tuesday, July 31). Tryouts will continue tomorrow and Thursday at 5:00pm.

OMS Softball practice tonight (Tuesday, 7/31), is cancelled. Practice tomorrow from 4:30-6:30pm. Followed by the parent meeting.

Please register for school today if you haven’t already. This helps keep bus routes accurate and efficient. Thank you!

Looking for your class schedule? Those will go live August 10.

The OMS office will reopen with normal hours on Monday, July 30.

6 days left to register for school!

One week until school registration deadline! Thank you to those who have already completed this process!

2018-2019 is going to be an awesome year at OMS! Register your student today via Skyward/Family Access.

Olympia staff members presented on the Skills Based Reporting system in Washington D.C. today! #OlySpartanPride

A few highlights of Olympia Staff members at a conference in Washington D.C. celebrating OMS excellence.

We at Olympia would like to thank @DrDianeWolf for her many years of commitment and dedication to both staff and students.#OlySpartanPride

Several OMS teachers became certified Restorative Practice trainers after attending the Restorative Practices seminar the week of June 11th led by Mr. Kevin Jones. OMS received a grant from ROE 17 that covered one week of Restorative Practices training and materials, in which teachers learned practices and role-played scenarios focusing on strengthening relationships between individuals, as well as social connections within communities.
The Olympia District would like to thank Dr. Diane Wolf for her many years of commitment and dedication to both staff and students in Region 17. We wish her the best of luck with her next journey in education!