1st meeting of Anime Club at the MS is standing room only!
over 5 years ago, Jackie Litwiller
Anime Club
With the first home football game happening this Friday night, just a couple of reminders for everyone. Outside drinks will not be allowed. Also, the expectation is that all children middle school age and young will be accompanied by an adult. Hope to see everyone there.
over 5 years ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
The social media connection between our website and Facebook is currently experiencing a disruption. While this is being resolved, you can find all of your Olympia related information on your building website Live Feeds and Twitter accounts. Spread the word and connect today!
over 5 years ago, EdTech@Oly
Facebook Connection
MS softball practice for today, August 26th is cancelled.
over 5 years ago, Jackie Litwiller
The middle school baseball game scheduled for today August 26th has been cancelled. Practice is also cancelled.
over 5 years ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
Spartan Night is underway!
over 5 years ago, Jackie Litwiller
Spartan Night
The Olympia FFA Chapter will have sweet corn for sale at the fall Spartan Night at the high school at 5:30pm on Aug. 23rd. Please support your local FFA.
over 5 years ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
MS baseball and softball have pictures tomorrow, bring your uniforms.
over 5 years ago, Jackie Litwiller
MS Softball practice has been cancelled for today, August 20th. Reminder pictures are tomorrow bring your uniform.
over 5 years ago, Jackie Litwiller
MS Baseball practice has been cancelled for today, August 20th.
over 5 years ago, Jackie Litwiller
Spartan Night! This Friday, August 23rd starting at 5:30pm. Come out and meet your 2019 Fall Activity Participants!
over 5 years ago, Kim Logsdon
The Boys Golf Scramble scheduled for today Aug. 20th at North Greens in Atlanta has been cancelled.
over 5 years ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
The middle school baseball games scheduled for today, August 17th at Pleasant Plains have been cancelled.
over 5 years ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
Today’s MS softball game moved up to 4:15 and is at McGraw Park behind Central Catholic HS.
over 5 years ago, Jackie Litwiller
Live life like there is no tomorrow! #RAOK
over 5 years ago, Jackie Litwiller
Team Olympia
Live life like there is no tomorrow! #RAOK
over 5 years ago, Jackie Litwiller
UPDATE: Boys Golf will have their first practice on August 12th at 3:30pm at North Green Golf Course.
over 5 years ago, Kim Logsdon
Olympia State Softball Shirts are in!! If you placed an order come by the OHS main office to pick yours up Thursday, July 11th from 12-4pm or Friday, July 12th from 11:30-1:30pm. If you have any questions please email Kim Logsdon at kim.logsdon@olympia.org
over 5 years ago, Kim Logsdon
Marching Spartans representing at the Hopedale 4th of July!
over 5 years ago, Jackie Litwiller
Marching Spartans!
The youth football camp scheduled for today June 17th has been cancelled. Their are regular high school football activities today.
over 5 years ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN