Do you multitask in front of your kids? Check out that and other solutions to help your child reduce multitasking during homework time.
over 1 year ago, EdTech@Oly
The 3A Quarterfinal playoff football game will be at 2:00pm Saturday Nov. 11th at Olympia High School. Gates open at 12:30pm. Digital tickets can be purchased from GoFan ahead of time using the QR Code. Tickets are $7 per person. Tickets at the gate will be $8 cash.
over 1 year ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
Olympia South is hosting McTeacher Night TONIGHT at the McLean McDonalds. Stop by between 5-7 and grab dinner.
over 1 year ago, Michelle Maris
McTeacher Night
5th Grade Students and Families: Our 5th Grade Band Instrument Try-Out Night is coming up December 5th at 5pm in the OHMS Band Room! Sign-up for a time to try instruments using this link: Contact Mr. Spencer with any questions at Hope to see you all there!
over 1 year ago, OHMS Bands
Instrument Try-Out Flyer
Yesterday Emma Swartzendruber ran in the IHSA state xc meet at Detweiller Park. The weather was perfect and Emma ran great. She finished 54th out of 199. Emma had an amazing season, and ended it perfectly! We will be seeing a lot more out of her in the future.
over 1 year ago, Randi Krehbiel
state meet 23/24
xc state 23/24
The Girls Swim team competed in the Sectional Meet today at Normal Community. They ended the season with some great swims! Nora placed 4th in the 50 freestyle with 26.20 (PR) and 5th in the 100 breaststroke with 1:11.84 (PR). The 200 Freestyle Relay made up of Abby, Lola, Sophia and Nora dropped 3 seconds and placed 8th with a time of 1:50.47. Other swimmers competing today were: Amalia - 200 free (PR) & 100 fly (PR) Lola- 200 IM (PR) Abby- 50 free Kaylin -100 fly(PR) & 500 free (season PR) Sophia - 100 free (PR) & 100 back (PR) Savannah - 100 free (season PR) Annelise - 500 free (PR) & 100 breaststroke Lanie- 100 back (PR) 200 Medley Relay (Lola, Nora, Sophia, Abby) 400 Free Relay (Kaylin, Lola, Annelise, Abby)
over 1 year ago, Jenny Gillis
sectional team
Let's Go Spartans
over 1 year ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
Good Luck Emma!!!
over 1 year ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
Good Luck Spartans
over 1 year ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
Help keep media/tech use in check by following a few simple practices: 1. Create screen-free times and zones 2. Try parental controls 3. Establish clear family rules 4. Watch and play together 5. Help kids identify healthy behaviors Read more:
over 1 year ago, EdTech@Oly
Elementary Family Tips
Football round 2 playoff shirts can be picked up outside the high school office from 3:40-4 today.
over 1 year ago, Eric Lyons
Huge shout out to BACC for putting on a great Career Expo! Our students were able to network with over 60 local businesses and programs in attendance this year.
over 1 year ago, Alex Castillo
Construction trades program table
Construction trades program table
Career Expo
Culinary Arts
Our students go to experience some temporary casts!
Army Recruiter
It's easy to get distracted from homework (and life) when the phone never stops pinging and the next episode plays automatically. Let's set some common sense guidelines by signing this Family Media Agreement within your family:
over 1 year ago, EdTech@Oly
Family Media Agreement
This year, the Olympia National Honor Society is sponsoring a Toys for Tots Drive at the girls home basketball games on Nov 27th and 28th, against Prairie Central, then Dee-Mack. New toys or cash donations are appreciated! Bring your family and friends to enjoy the games and help support your local Toys for Tots!
over 1 year ago, Lisa Steve
NHS Toy Drive
Reminder: Today Wednesday, November 1st is an Early Release Day for Olympia students. OHMS students dismiss at 11:30, Elementary students dismiss at noon.
over 1 year ago, Olympia CUSD 16
early release
It is a great week to be a Spartan! Only one week left to purchase some great Olympia fan gear.
over 1 year ago, OMS Basketball
Fan Gear Other than straight-up cyberbullying, what are some other reasons our kids might be bummed by others' online behavior? Read more about ghosting, subtweeting, griefing (plus more), and learn some simple tips on how to handle these situations.
over 1 year ago, EdTech@Oly
Did you miss round your chance to get Spartan football playoff gear for round 1? Good News! Spartan football is on to round 2. Get your special edition sweet 16 shirts here:
over 1 year ago, Eric Lyons
The Girls Swim Team celebrated Senior Night at the last regular season meet on Thursday with a big win over Jacksonville-Route. Olympia took 1st place in every event! 1st place finishes went to: Kaylin - 100 fly (PR) Savannah - 50 free (PR) Sophia - 200 free (PR) & 100 breaststroke (PR) Nora - 100 free & 100 back Lola - 200 IM & 500 free Kahliyah, Amalia & Chloe also swam PRs in their individual races. The Girls will compete at the Sectional Swim meet on Saturday at Normal Community. Good luck girls!
over 1 year ago, Jenny Gillis
Oly Swimming
Olympia Spartans over the Litchfield Panthers in the first round of the playoffs 20-17. The Spartans will travel to Greenville next Saturday for a 3:00pm kickoff. Gates will open at 1:30pm.
over 1 year ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN