Baseball open gyms for next week will be Sunday, Feb 11th at noon and Thursday, Feb 15th at 6:00. Both will be in the HS gym and for all HS levels (varsity, JV, freshmen)
about 1 year ago, Olympia Baseball
When you see advertising on TV or on a billboard, ask your children to figure out what the ad is selling. Sometimes it's obvious, and sometimes it's not. Help them explore why certain pictures, sounds, or words are used to sell certain products. Could AI be being used in the ad?
about 1 year ago, EdTech@Oly
Fake News Tip 2
Congratulations to the Spartans that were inducted into the Technical Honor Society at the Bloomington Area Career Center (BACC). Thank you for representing Olympia so well!
about 1 year ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
Well-crafted headlines benefit everyone. They help readers digest information and publishers sell news stories. But what if the headline is misleading? What if it's crafted just to get clicks and not to inform? "Clickbait" headlines may benefit advertisers and publishers (think $$$), but they don't benefit readers. And when they go viral, they can badly misinform the public. This week, look for clickbait headlines in the media that you consume and discuss them with your family. How many can you find before Sunday rolls around!?
about 1 year ago, EdTech@Oly
Today at Olympia
about 1 year ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
Video: All media comes with an author and an agenda. Help kids think critically about any media they view with critical questions that dig below the surface. And to really empower kids, have them create their own media with these same questions in mind.
about 1 year ago, EdTech@Oly
Essential Questions When Viewing Media
Happy National School Counseling Week to our School Counselors!
about 1 year ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
school counseling week
Congratulations to our Sectional Qualifiers! 113 1st Dylan Eimer 120 2nd Austin Kisner 138 3rd Cooper Phillips 150 1st Bentley Wise 157 2nd Kelton Graden 215 2nd Nolen Yeary
about 1 year ago, Josh Collins
The next baseball open gym will be Monday, February 5th for Freshmen, JV and Varsity. 6:00 HS Gym.
about 1 year ago, Olympia Baseball
Help your children analyze the info around them, from toy packaging to Instagram posts to news headlines, and question the purpose of the words and images they see. Teach kids how to use fact-checking tools like Snopes and
about 1 year ago, EdTech@Oly
Fake News Tip 1
Elementary families Spartan @ the Movies is only one week away!
about 1 year ago, Michelle Maris
movie night
With so much media and information coming at us through the television, phones, social media, and more, it's more important than ever for kids to understand the basics of media literacy. When kids can identify different types of news and media and the methods and meanings behind them, they're on their way to being critical thinkers and smart consumers. Throughout the month, we will be sharing a set of five tips to help your children become critical thinkers of news and media. Here is a short video to get those conversations started!
about 1 year ago, EdTech@Oly
Spot Fake News
Families, mark your calendar for our next session on depression! February 20th at 8:00 PM via Zoom. Sign up for the link to show up in your inbox!
about 1 year ago, Michelle Maris
Elementary Families, Spartans @ the Movie returns Friday, 2/9 at 6:30 PM
about 1 year ago, Michelle Maris
Spartan @ Movies
Today at Olympia
about 1 year ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
Today at Olympia
about 1 year ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
If you are interested in joining the girls track team join us tomorrow!! Please make sure you are signed up on 8to18.
about 1 year ago, Randi Krehbiel
23/24 girls track
Spartan Swim this Sunday! Elementary families join us.
about 1 year ago, Michelle Maris
pool party
In our final regular season dual, The OHS wrestlers had an exciting victory over Morton 39-30. This brings our regular season record to 26-4.
about 1 year ago, Josh Collins
Today's Activities
about 1 year ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN